Tuca & Bertie Show
Tuca & Bertie is an adult animated sitcom TV show created by Lisa Hanawalt on Netflix. This animated show stars Tiffany Haddish and Ali Wong including Steven Yeun, John Early, Richard E. Grant, and Reggie Watts as supporting cast. This show falls the lives of two bird woman, Tuca & Bartie, as they try and live their life as a young woman in a modern city. In this show you’ll see just like in BoJack Horseman, they are characters that are just humans with animal heads. But this time around there are even living plants, and humans are extremely rare to see. Most characters are birds. Which you may suppose make sense because this takes place in Bird City, after all. I was quite intrigued by this show when I first heard about it for a few reasons. First off, from the style alone it is very reminiscent of BoJack Horseman, which is no surprise because this show was created by BoJack Horseman’s producer and art director Lisa Hanawalt. And because of that, it means there is a...