Tuca & Bertie Show

Tuca & Bertie is an adult animated sitcom TV show created by Lisa Hanawalt on Netflix. This animated show stars Tiffany Haddish and Ali Wong including Steven Yeun, John Early, Richard E. Grant, and Reggie Watts as supporting cast.

This show falls the lives of two bird woman, Tuca & Bartie, as they try and live their life as a young woman in a modern city. In this show you’ll see just like in BoJack Horseman, they are characters that are just humans with animal heads. But this time around there are even living plants, and humans are extremely rare to see. Most characters are birds. Which you may suppose make sense because this takes place in Bird City, after all. I was quite intrigued by this show when I first heard about it for a few reasons. First off, from the style alone it is very reminiscent of BoJack Horseman, which is no surprise because this show was created by BoJack Horseman’s producer and art director Lisa Hanawalt. And because of that, it means there is a lot of potential for this show to become quite deep and realistic despite how it looks. And that brings me to my second point; there are almost no western animated shows created by a woman for an adult woman, meaning that this gomovie show is extraordinary.

I honestly couldn’t think of any, and I have been watching a ton of cartoons over the past few years. But regardless, from what I could tell this is the first cartoon of its kind in a long time. But just because a female creator makes it doesn’t mean you will like it, and I have always had issues with comedy-based adult cartoons. I do like BoJack despite how crude it can be. So, how does Tuca & Bertie fair? Well, let me just say it’s very much an adult cartoon, with all the staples of what you’d expect in a comedy that is aimed for an adult audience. Characters get naked a lot, especially Tuca, and you have to accept that the world they live in is really weird.

Bertie is shy, is moving up in her career, and is in a steady relationship. A lot of her story focuses on her juggling her full-time job, her new part-time job at a bakery with a handsome penguin, and maintaining her relationship with her boyfriend Speckle, and her best friend Tuca. Tuca, on the other hand, is almost the opposite. She is wild, loud, and impulsive. There is also the recurring theme of her being unable to accept change, but when she becomes a burden on Bertie, it becomes annoying. Her story for this season centers on her love life, finding a job and confronting her past. There are so many types of birds, and it was cool to see how many were represented. This show may make you hesitant to watch sometimes because of the characters weird activity. So, watch the show and see how you feel about the show.


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